UML Practice

Problem 1. Draw a UML class diagram of this code. Show relationships between classes and multiplicity of association.

class Person {
    private String name;
    public String getName() { return name; }

public class Student extends Person implements Comparable<Student> {
    private Long id;
    private List<Enrollment> courseList; 
    public Student(String name, Long id) { /* code omitted. */ }

    public int compareTo(Student other) { /* code omitted */ }

    // an unmodifiable (immutable) view of the student's course list
    public List<Enrollment> getCourseList() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList( courseList );

public class Enrollment {


Problem 2. Add add some detail for grades, including an Enum for grades.

* The example on []( shows how to draw an enum (enumeration type).  
* In UML class diagram, OK to write `<<enum>>` instead of `<<enumeration>>`.

An Enum (enumeration) is a type with a fixed set of static members. You access them using Grade.A, Grade.B, etc. The members have type Grade and are public, but you can’t create new objects from an enum. You can use enum type in assignments and as parameters, e.g.:
Grade g = Grade.A;

public class Enrollment {
    private Course course;
    private Student student;
    private Grade grade;

    public Enrollment(Course course) ...;

    public Grade getGrade() { return grade; }
    public void setGrade(Grade grade) { this.grade = grade; }

public class Course {
    private long courseId;
    private int credits;
    private String title;

public enum Grade {
    // static members of the enum
    N, // for enrollment with no grade yet
    // behavior and attributes omitted

Problem 3. Difference between association and dependency (uses). This is one of the most common errors made by students.

What are the relationships between Main, Game, and GameConsole?

public class Game {
    private int secret;
    private int upperBound;
    public Game(int upperbound) { ... }

    public boolean guess(int number) { ... }

public class GameConsole {
    // no attributes!

    public int play(Game game) {
        // play the game and return the secret number

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Game game = new Game(1000000);
        GameConsole console = new GameConsole();
        int secret =;

Problem 4. Factory method. The Registrar class is a Factory for creating enrollments.

public class Registrar {

    // prevent creating new instances
    private Registrar() { }

    /** Get a singleton instance */
    public static Registrar getInstance() {
        // return a singleton instance of registrar.
        // See "Singleton" design pattern slides for how to
        return instance;

    /** Get an enrollment for student.
     *  @throws EnrollmentException if can't enroll is course
    public Enrollment makeEnrollment(Student s, Course course) {
        // details omitted